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ODM nullifies Busia nomination results following outrage from party supporters

ODM party's National Elections Board has nullified the disputed gubernatorial nomination results for Busia county

The nominations will be done again on Tuesday, April 25 as the party seeks to save face amidst claims of a sham exercise

 MP Paul Otuoma contested the results after Governor Sospeter Ojaamong was declared winner even after trailing his rival in more than 80% of polling stations

 The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has nullified the disputed Busia county nominations held on Thursday, April 13 The ODM National Elections Board (NEB) arrived at the decision after Funyula MP Paul Otuoma cried foul of a rigging scheme.

However, the Board has noticed major irregularities in the results for the Busia gubernatorial nomination exercise which if announced as is can cause discordance among members in the County.

In view of the above reasons, the Board has made a decision to nullify the Busia gubernatorial nomination results and ordered a repeat exercise on Tuesday 25th April 2017. Results for the other seats remain as they were received.

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