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Leaked: The DRASTIC changes Jubilee will make to the presidency if re-elected in August

Jubilee Party is planning to make the same moves NASA will should they be re-elected on August 8 They plan on overhauling the constitution where the presidency is concerned

 They will create four new offices as NASA plans on creating one A confidential document from the Jubilee Party camp has been leaked, revealing that the party leadership is hoping to overhaul the 2010 constitution where the presidency is concerned.

 The document, a multi pronged re-election strategy titled “The Political Situation”, revealed that should Jubilee be re-elected, they will be looking to split the presidency.

 “There are proposals to reconstruct the presidency by creating two or three deputy presidents, a prime minister and the possibility of picking cabinet secretaries among parliamentarians,” published a local daily on Sunday, February 26.

 This move is apparently in aims to make the presidency inclusive and attractive to more political parties into a coalition that Jubilee will enter into.

The more positions, the more the government is likely to be representative and can genuinely promise inclusivity.

The government can involve and agree with CORD on the possibility of amending the constitution to effect the proposed structure of the presidency,” proposed the strategy as quoted on Sunday Nation.

 According to Leader of Majority Aden Duale, the document is highly classified and should have never been leaked to the media.

 This strategy comes after the opposition alliance, National Super Alliance, proposed the same ideas should they clinch the presidency but were castigated for it by Jubilee.

NASA plans to introduce a new office for one of the co-leaders in the alliance, the Office of Chief Minister, for the aspirant that will emerge number three in the presidential nomination race.

 Their other compromise move is that two-co-principals who will lose out on the race will be given the option of taking the Senate or National Assembly Majority leader position.

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